Thursday, March 18, 2010


These are some of the things about cyberbullying.Cyberbullying is a very scary topic.If you bully people you will be in a big trouble.Some of the bully's might make fun of your pictures,they might use vulgar words or they might make you scared.If you ever fight them back you will be in big trouble too.You can ignore the bully or report to the police,teacher,principal or your parents.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

1) Have you ever seen anything online that made you afraid, uncomfortable or feel excited and yet guilty because you sensed that it was wrong?
2) How would you discern if the content on the Internet is inappropriate?
3) What should you do when the content on the Internet is inappropriate?
I hope to read your responses soon.
1)I see something scary that is the scariest thing i had never seen before.
2)I cannot tell truth about myself.
3)I shouold not press the wrong thing.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Reply to Mdm Kaur

Mdm Kaur i remember their name but some is malay name can u read?Please reply me first because if i type now u will not understand.That's why i want u to reply me back...........

about my form teacher

Hi Mdm Kaur.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Term 1 week 7

Dear 3.1 pupils,Your exams are finally over! You must have received your marks for SA1 by now. How did you fare in your exams? Are you happy with your grades or do you think you could have done better? Tell me about :1) How you prepared for your exams?2) How you felt during the exam period?3) How you feel about your results?4) What you plan to do to achieve bettresults in your weaker subjects?Write to me. I want to hear from you as soon as possible. I prepared my exams by studying my math file,english file,science file,english workbook,math workbook and my science workbook.I felt nervous during my exams.I felt happy about my results.I will practice to do to achieve better results in my weaker subjects.I hope i will get band 1 in all my exams.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

healthy and sickness

Yes,I have attend our School Sports Day.I find it tired.The most interesting part of the School Sports is hitting the big ball,because it is fun.The most uninteresting School Sports is the running,because it make me tired,and I have no more strength to run.The School can improve by the teacher approach them.Yes,Sports is important and useful,because is the one of the activity.It is because it make us healthy and sickness. I do not engage in any Sports, because I am not interested in Sports.Sports help us to have more exercise but I can't do it.It make pupils to make them in good future.